
What I like about your blog

   Oftentimes, I see blogs with very good content, but something is missing..something that doesn’t let the blog be perfect.So I’ve made a list of things that I like in other people’s blogs.

      1.Calm colors

I think it’s super important to keep reader’s eyes relaxed and comfortable.Frankly, I don’t like blogs with WHITE background and don’t understand why the author chose white as the main color.We see that white background everywhere –  in books, news, articles on the internet – because it’s classic.But blog is something not so official, more personal – that’s why I prefer seeing dark pastel tones in blogs 


The font SIZE, to be exact.I’ve seen a few blogs with very small font size, and it really annoys me! How am I supposed to like what you write if I’m not able to read it??😁

     3.Necessary widgets

By ‘necessary widgets’ I mean menus.It’s always easier to navigate a blog if I see categories of posts (Health, cooking, awards etc) or archives.Ironically, I do not have any of them yet! Shame on me…😄I promise I’ll add them one day!


Pictures and photos really attract me, as well as many other readers.They have to be eye-catching, making you want to open the post and read it.If you don’t know what picture to set as a featured image – just write the title of your post on a pastel background (a lot of apps have the function of writing on pictures, I personally use PicsArt) or choose a picture from Pinterest or Tumblr –  and voila – your picture is ready!

Don’t take these ‘rules’ very serious!😉 If I really like your content – I will still click the “follow” button, even if you have small font size or a lack of photos.The tips I’ve written make a blog perfect, from my point of view 😉

Thanks for reading my post! Tell me, what do YOU find attractive in a blog? What would you add to my list? Feel free to share by leaving a comment!



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3 thoughts on “What I like about your blog

  1. j_ivanna says:

    I share your ideas, except for the content, there’s definitely other things that attract my attention right away!


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